A better late than never Merry Christmas!
From George and Christopher Zabawa
Drawing by Christopher Zabawa
Colorized by George Zabawa
Oklahoma Wildflowers serves as an introduction to The Wonderful World of Oklahoma Wildflowers site which contains photos and information about wild flowers.
Welcome All
About this blog
Oklahoma Wildflowers serves as an introduction to The Wonderful World of Oklahoma Wildflowers with a linked list to the site which which has general plant information and images useful for identification and educational purposes.
Since space is limited here I will add photos and information about plants blooming during the current month. For more detailed information and images go to the linked address. Unless noted, all photos were taken in Oklahoma
For detailed information on using the Wonderful World of Oklahoma Wildflowers scroll to the end of this page or click on a flower common name on the list.
Moth Mullein (Verbascum blattaria)
For more info and photos go to The Holding Tank by clicking on link or The Holding Tank list of contents to right.
Canada Lettuce(Lactuca canadensis)
For more info and photos go to The Holding Tank by clicking on link or The Holding Tank list of contents below (on side).
Purple Locoweed (Oxytropis lambertii)
A native to the United States, the Purple Locoweed (Oxytropis lambertii), found in the central United States west of the Mississippi and north from Texas to Utah and into Canada, is a member of the pea/bean (Fabaceae) family. Other common names include Lambert Crazyweed, Lambert Loco and Stemless Loco.
Blooming from mid spring (late April in central Oklahoma) through the summer the Purple Locoweed produces 1/4 in to 1 ½ inch purple flowers with white banded centers. Growing in open areas to eight inches tall with flower stalks to two feet tall, the Purple Locoweed grow in dry rocky or sandy/limestone soils in open areas. Also called Stemless Locoweed, Oxytropis lambertii appears “stemless” since the stem does not grow above ground level.
Leaves from 4 to 9 inches long are separated into leafelets an inch long. The leaves, flowers stalks and buds covered with white hairs give it a grey/silvery appearance.
Considered a nuisance by ranchers, the Purple Locoweed contains selenium, a toxic chemical if taken in excess. Considered weedy in some areas and dangerous to cattle, it will be eaten by cattle only when no other food is available such as in over grazed pastureland.
Photos taken Aptil 27, 2008, at Little River State Park, Lake Thunderbird area, abandoned park road near Norman, Oklahoma.
Longbract Wild Indigo (Baptisia bracteata)
For more info and photos go to The Holding Tank by clicking on link or The Holding Tank list of contents below (on side).
Winged Sumac leaves (Rhus copallina)
Sumac Berries, December ice storm 2007
Fall Update 2009
Central Oklahoma has had it first patchy frost near Norman, Oklahoma. It was not a killing frost but is a sure sign of approaching winter, which is already occurring in other parts of the United States. The plant landscape is looking bleak and trees are losing leaves fast. Blue Bonesets and other Bonosets species have stopped blooming and Asters with flowers are becoming harder to find. They seem to know when it’s time to quit for the season. Patches of yellow Sunflowers still brighten up areas along the roadsides.
The fall foliage has been beautiful this year. The bright red to burnt orange color of the Sumac leaves such as the leaves of this Winged Sumac (Rhus copallina), as usual, stands out among the other yellow and grey fall colors. Clusters of red sumac berries sometime survive into the winter. (December ice storm 2007)
Foraging Digger Wasp (Sphecidae), Cerceris Sp. Photo by Christopher Zabawa
Canada Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis L.)
Found across the United States, and Canada, except Southeastern U.S. states, the native Canada Goldenrod (Solidago Canadensis L.) or Common Goldenrod, a member of the Aster (Asteraceae) family considered weedy or invasive, blooms from mid-summer through fall.
Canada Goldenrod, found near wood margins or open areas grow in moist, sandy or heavy clay soils.
The numerous 1/8 inch long flowers occur in dense flat topped clusters along branching stems that tend to droop, due to the weight of the flowers.
Plants growing from two feet to around four or five feet tall have un-stalked, sparsely toothed leaves to 3 ¼ inches long and 1/2 inch wide. The narrow, lance shaped leaves are found alternately along the hairy stem.
The Canada Goldenrod, as well as other species of Goldenrods, is an important source of food for foraging insect species such as the Digger Wasps (Sphecidae), Cerceris Sp. pictured above.
Around 125 species of goldenrods occur in the United States making identification sometimes difficult.
The genus, Goldenrods (Soldiago) is not responsible for widespread allergic symptoms (hay fever). The pollen of Goldenrods is heavy and does not blow far from the plant. Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) and other grass and weed pollen is generally responsible for the miserable allergic symptoms which occur in some individuals in late summer and fall.
Edible: The cooked young leaves and stems with flowers are edible and a tea brewed from the leaves and flowers.
The Canada Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis L) is an important medicinal plant. All parts of the plant including flowers, leaves, stems, roots, and seeds have various medicinal properties.
Flowers: The flowers chewed, is used as treatment of sore throats and other cold symptoms. A tea made from the flowers is used in the treatment of diarrhea, body aches, fevers and snakebites.
Roots: Treatment of burns
Seeds: Used in treatment of kidney and bladder disorders, muscle or joint stiffness, and arthritis.
Other herbal uses include treatment of wounds (antiseptic and bleeding), urinary infections; chronic mucus discharge from nose and throat (common cold), various skin ailments, flu, whooping cough, bladder and kidney disorders, and gastroenteritis (stomach and intestinal inflammation). Used as a treatment for thrush, a fungal disease of the mouth characterized by white patches
It is not recommended that these plants be used as medicine or food since they may have bad side effects. Similar species, misidentified, may cause illness or death.
Photo taken near my pond, rural east Norman, Oklahoma September 2009
Camphor Weed (Pluchea camphorate)
Camphor Weed (Pluchea camphorata) or Camphor Pluchea, in the Aster (Asteraceae) family grows along the shorelines of lakes ponds and marshes (fresh, salt, and brackish). Found in the central United States, north to Kansas, east to Pennsylvania and south to Florida and Texas, Camphor Weed blooms from mid summer to fall.
The native Camphor Weed, growing to three feet tall produce dense clusters of small tubular pink to purple flowers to ¼ inch wide, each cluster surrounded by pink/purplish bracts.
Toothed leaves found alternately along the stem grow to six inches long and two inches wide. Small glands found on both sides of leaves are slightly sticky to the touch and produce a smell of camphor, which if handled, transfers to the hands.
Another similar species, Pluchea odorata/Pluchea purpurascens (Sweetscent or Marsh Fleabane) occurs in the southern half of the United States from the Pacific to the Atlantic.
Photos taken in rural east Norman, Oklahoma adjacent to my pond. September 2009
Comming soon: “The Holding Tank"
A companion blog to Oklahoma Wildflowers
This blog will feature plants not yet on the Oklahoma Wildflowers blog and will provide basic information about each species. As descriptions are finished, the species in the Holding Tank will be moved to the Oklahoma Wildflower blog. I will try to add/move new species weekly or as time permits. A link list of species postings in the Holding Tank will also be provided on the Oklahoma Wildflower blog as well as a link to the Holding Tank blog.
Although the main purpose of the new blog is as described above, other topics may inclue:
Photographic tips and camera equipment
Species from other states
Species not yet identified
Possible contributing pics (yet to be worked out)
Environmental issues
More information on the world of Theos (see Homo sneakeaus on main blog for a little more info)
…and any other fun topics I might think of.
The Holding Tank inmate by Christopher Zabawa
Colorization by George Zabawa
Thanks to Christopher Zabawa, my son, for his imaginative drawings.
(C)2009 by Christopher and George Zabawa
Happy Fallday
The first day of fall (Autumn) in the United States, yesterday, was marked by a cool front-bringing cool, Autumn weather along with more rain to central Oklahoma. Fall of course does not mean the end of plant growing season but merely marks the seasonal transition of species (which had already started). Many late summer and fall species are still thriving and blooming such as Sunflowers, various Bonesets including my favorite, Blue Boneset, the vibrant Blue Sage, Tall Thistles and many others to numerous to mention.
The end may be near however, since the average first freeze, according to NOAA, in central Oklahoma occurs from October 2nd to October 11th. For more information on freeze dates for specific Oklahoma cities and towns, go to the link below.
Average First Frost in Oklahoma (NOAA)
Pale Smartweed (Polygonum lapathifolium)
Found across the United States, the native Pale Smartweed or Curlytop Knotweed (Polygonum lapathifolium) grow on the shores of lakes, ponds and other moist areas such as ditches, riverbanks and moist fields. A member of the Buckwheat (Polygonacea) family, the Pale Smartweed may colonize areas and become weedy or invasive in some areas.
Blooming from summer to fall, the three foot tall Pale Smartweed produces 1/8 inch white flowers with white to pink tinged stamens. The flowers which have no petals, but modified petal-like leaves called sepals, form in cluaters along and near the apex of the stems.
Leaves found alternately along the stem, grow to six inches long and to ½ inch wide. The lanceolate, leaves, tapering at both ends, are attached to the stem by a film-like membrane sheath (ocrea). Stems are hairless and smooth.
The plain white flower of the Pale Smartweed and hairless stems distinguishes it from other Smartweeds such as Pennsylvania Smartweed (Polygonum pensylvanicum) which have bright pink flowers.
Young leaves of the Pale Smartweed are ediable and parts of the plant used in treatment of fevers, stomach ailments and burns. Soap like lather produced from this plant may be used as soap substitute for washing.
It is not recommended that these plants be used as medicine or food since they may have bad side effects. Similar species, misidentified, may cause illness or death.
Photos taken in rural east Norman, Oklahoma adjacent to my pond. September 2009
Slender Ladys Tresses (Spiranthes lacera)
Found scattered throughout the eastern half of the United States and into Canada, the native Slender Lady’s Tresses Or Northern Slender Lady's Tresses (Spiranthes lacera), a member of the Orchid (Orchidaceae) family, grow in fields and open wooded areas.
Blooming from late summer into fall, the Slender Lady’s Tresses produce irregular ¼-inch white flowers with green lip petals that are jagged, coarsely fringed or toothed. The flowers form in a distinctive spiral pattern along the stem, typical of species in this family (Spiranthes). The green colored lip petal of the Slender Lady’s Tresses distinguishes this species from other Lady’s Tresses.
Growing to two feet high the plant appears leafless in the fall. The leaves to two inches long and ½ inch wide, found at the base of the plant, disappear at maturity.
The Slender Lady’s Tresses are sometimes referred to by the scientific names Spiranthes beckii or Spiranthes gracilis.
Note: The Orchid family, the largest plant family, containing over 20,000 species and found mostly in tropical areas, occur as far north as the Artic. Although the largest in species numbers, rarely are they found in large numbers. Many species of Orchids are endangered or threatened due to habitat loss or commercial exploitation.
Photos taken rural east Norman, Oklahoma (on my pond dam) Sept 2009
Photo above by Christopher Zabawa
Photo above by Christopher Zabawa
False Daisy (Eclipta prostrata)
Found in the eastern half of the United States, California, Nevada and worldwide, the native False Daisy, a member of the Aster (Asteraceae) family and named for its daisy-like appearance is also known as Yerba de Tajo.
Commonly found along pond margins, stream margins and other moist/wet areas, the False Daisy blooms from mid-summer into fall. Considered a noxious weed in some areas of its range, such as Oklahoma, it is endangered in New York.
This sprawling plant, to two feet long, produces 1/3 inch white flowers with many white ray flowers (ray florets) and off white, four lobed disk flowers (disk florets) from midsummer into fall. The visible stamens tips (anthers) are yellow to light brown. The flat green fruit, beginning as green, turns to brown/black at maturity.
The leaves, lance shaped and coarsely toothed, found opposite along the stem, grow to five inches long and one-inch diameter. Both the reddish stems and leaves have a scattering of white hairs.
Eclipta prostrata, is also known by the scientific names Eclipta alba, Eclipta erecta ,Verbesina alba and Verbesina prostrata L.
The young leaves and cooked shoots of plant are edible.
Eclipta prostrata is an important medicinal plant in China and other areas of the world. It has numerous medicinal uses including treatments for hair loss (leaves), liver ailments, fevers, skin aliments (cuts, sores, athlete's foot), scorpion stings, and an antidote for snakebites. A dye extracted from the plant is used in tattoo ink/dye. Extracts from this plant can be purchased on internet and at local, herbal stores.
This plant contains nicotine, which acts an insecticide and other active chemicals.
It is not recommended that these plants be used as medicine or food since they may have bad side effects. Similar species, misidentified, may cause illness or death.
Photos taken at Sutton Wilderness, near Norman Oklahoma and at my pond in rural east Norman.
Valley Redstem (Ammannia coccinea)
Commonly known as Valley Redstem, Purple Ammannia and Scarlet Toothcup the Valley Redstem (Ammannia coccinea) a member of the Loosetrife (Lythraceae) family, found primarily in the eastern half of the United States, is also found in California, New Mexico and Arizona. This native plant, blooming summer through fall and found in moist/muddy areas including pond and stream margins, is considered threatened in Pennsylvania and weedy in other areas of it range.
Growing to 12 inches and taller, found sprawling or upright, the Valley Redstem produce ¼-inch purple to pink, four petaled flowers found at the leaf axis. Lance shaped leaves, found opposite along the stems, are two inches and longer and ¼ inch wide becoming wider near the stem.
Note: Unlike the non-native Purple Loosetrife (Lythrum salicaria) also in the Loosetrife (Lythraceae) family and considered a noxious weed in many states, the Valley Redstem is not on the most unwanted list.
Photos taken at Sutton Wilderness in Norman, Oklahoma
Common Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
The tall, majestic sunflower, a member of the Aster (Asteracea) family, is found throughout North America. Commonly seen along roadsides, fields and other open areas it is the state flower of Kansas.
Blooming from late summer into fall the native Common Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) grows to six feet tall and produces yellow flowers two to five inches in diameter. The ovate leaves grow to a foot long. The stems, leaves and all parts of the Common Sunflower (except flowers) are roughly hairy.
Prehistorically the Sunflower, cultivated by Native Americans for food and medicine is still grown and varieties of sunflowers, such as the Russian Giant, are cultivated for their oil rich and nutritious seeds. Sunflower oil, used for deep frying etc., may be purchased in many super markets and grocery stores. .
The seeds produced by the Common Sunflower are an important source of food for wild birds and other wildlife.
The flowers of the sunflower, facing the sun, seemingly “track” the sun. However, it is not the flower which turns, but the stem. The stem growing faster on the shaded side turns the flower in the direction of the sun.
Photos taken at Sutton Wilderness in Norman, Oklahoma and Little River State Park near Norman, Oklahoma.
Clammyweed (Polanisia dodecandra)
The beautiful and exotic looking native Clammyweed, found across most of the United States, grows in open areas and in rocky or sandy soil and blooms in late summer.
The leaves and stems of the Clammyweed produce hairs that extrude a sticky substance, which when handled, adheres to the hands resulting in a “clammy” feeling. The Clammyweed growing to two feet tall have leaves comprised of three leaflets ranging from ½ to an inch and longer. The white flowers, pointing upwards, have four narrow petals ¾ inch long and longer with purple tinged veins. The prominently notched petals give them a heart shaped appearance.
Note: There are various sub-species of Clammyweed. Two common sub-species are Polanisia dodecandr spp. dodecandra commonly known as Redwhisker Clammyweed and named for the numerous red whisker-like stamens it produces and Polanisia dodecandra ssp. trachysperma known as Sandyseed Clammyweed.
Members of the Caper family (Capparaceae or Capparidaceae) are related to the Mustard family (Brassicaceae) and have been combined in some classification schemes.
Photos taken at Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Veterans (Wilson) Lake area near Sulphur, Oklahoma.
Copyright Information
All images, artwork and text, on this blog, Oklahoma Wildflowers, are copyrighted and may not be used without permission of the author.
Due to a lengthy illness in September there was no September flower of the Month. Since most plants blooming in late summer bloom into fall, such as the Sunflowers, September will be combined with October and the new month will be known as Septober.
The month of September has brought cooler temperatures to the state and little rainfall to central Oklahoma. Fall is here and the leaves are falling. However the month of September brings with it the towering, brightly colored Sunflowers which are continuing from August as well as beautiful Asters and other late summer and fall blooming plants.
The dry/cool weather has continued into October and so have many of the Septembers flowering plants some of which which will be featured in the Octseper's flowers of the month.
July has flown by and we are two weeks into August. It has been an erratic month weather wise in Oklahoma with temperatures as high as 107 and as low (high) in the 70's and rainfall going from drought conditions to flooding rains. The cooler temperatures have “greened” things up and hopefully some plant species will begin to bloom.
School has started in many places and vacations have been taken however nature does not stop for vacations. Plants keep growing, reproducing and blooming including the Tall Thistle, Spurges, and Sunflowers among many others. Remember summer isn't over. Enjoy
Summer officially arrived June 20th and it's July. The weather is heating up and drying out which is typical for Oklahoma in July and August. Some plant species have peaked, as far as blooming, such as the Indian Blanket, Spiderworts and Blackeyed Susan. The majestic sunflowers will soon appear as well as other heat tolerant species in the Asteraceae (Aster) family. It looks like a productive summer for the native flowering plants. The bees , butterflies and other insects, which rely on these flowers, should also have a good summer.
Have a happy and safe 4th of July
June flowers are here. We have had beneficial rain in May so June looks pretty good. Over all, so far, at least in the local area, the plant population is doing well but not as well as I'd hoped. Looking back in my photo archives there were several years which were spectacular, as far as numbers of plant species blooming. This does not appear to be one of those years.
Many of the June flowering plants are a continuation of May and many will continue through the summer. Among them are some of the largest, showiest and most common blooming plants including the Penstemons, Butterfly Weed, Coneflowers, Evening Primroses, Yucca, Winecups, Spiderworts and some Thistle species, to name a few. Of course there are the smaller, although not as numerous or visible, itsy bitsy flowers (smaller than one half inch) which are interesting, intricate and just as beautiful as their larger cousins. A few of these are the Milkworts, Pennyroyals, and Pinks. By mid July the rains should diminish and the heat tolerant species will appear and some species disappear.
April showers brought more beneficial moisture (and unfortunately tornadoes) to this part of the world. But an abundance of moisture means the wild plant population is thriving. Many new species are appearing and continuing from April and many will continue through the summer. Some species such as the beautiful but parasitic Indian Paintbrush will appear and disappear in a relatively short time, to be replaced by more heat tolerant species. Here are a few May blooming plants.
bring May showers (hmm)
The Henbit, Least Bluets, Rockcress, Shepards Purse and other early blooming plants are slowly disappearing and being replaced by late spring and early summer varieties. Appearing on the wild plant landscape are the Yellow Salisfly or Goatsbeard, the colorful Indian Paintbrushes and Dewberries. The weather in Oklahoma has been been relatively cool and damp this year and the blooming plant populations are thriving.
100 Plant Species
A milestone has been reached on the .110 site. As of Earth Day there are now 100 wild plant flowers listed and more than 400 images of plant species. Although the site itself hasn't progressed as I'd hoped, due to my lack of HTML and PHP programming knowledge, the blog has made up some for these shortcomings. I can't thank the Blogger staff and the people at the 110 site enough for making these services available.
Green is the color of the year.
Happy Earth Day
Preview of coming flowers. Shepard's Purse, Henbit, False Garlic, Spring Beauty, Field Pansy, and the Common Dandelion.
These (left) are a few common flowers that appear in lawns and gardens in early spring. Some are considered a nuisance since they may take over a lawn.
Many chemicals are used to eradicate these nuisance plants from urban lawns which, for the most part, will naturally disappear with the arrival of hot weather.
Remember all of the chemical used on lawns will eventually end up in the local water supply and in your drinking water.
Homo sneakeaus
by Christopher Zabawa
The tall and intelligent Homo sneakeaus is found on all areas of the planet Theos. At the top of the food chain and the top predator, it is stealthy, clever and dangerous. No species is safe from this predator. Seldom the hunted, Homo sneakeaus, an omnivore, hunts and eats all types of prey, including Triheadeas deadleas.
Have a safe and happy 4th of July
Symphyotrichum oblongifolium |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
Blue, Purple |
Chrysopsis pilosa |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
Yellow |
Symphyotrichum divaricatum |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
Purple |
Strophostyles umbellata |
Pea |
Fabaceae |
Pink |
Penstemon cobaea |
Figwort |
Scrophulariaceae |
White, Purple |
Monarda fistulosa |
Mint |
Lamiaceae |
Pink, Purple, Lavender |
Convolvulus arvensis |
Morning-glory |
Convolvulaceae |
White |
Rudbeckia hirta |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
Yellow |
Liatris squarrosa |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
Purple |
Eupatorium coelestinum |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
Blue |
Sisyrinchium campestre |
Iris |
Iridaceae |
Blue, Purple |
Salvia azurea |
Mint |
Lamiaceae |
Blue |
Clematis pitcheri |
Buttercup |
Ranunculaceae |
Purple, Blue |
Hedyotis nigricans |
Madder |
Rubiaceae |
White |
Hedyotis crassifolia |
Madder |
Rubiaceae |
Blue, Violet |
Eupatorium altissimum |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
White |
Xanthocephalum dracunculoides |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
Yellow |
Eriogonum longifolium |
Buckwheat |
Polygonaceae |
Green, White |
Solanum rostratum |
Nightshade |
Solanaceae |
Yellow |
Cnidoscolus texanus |
Spurge |
Euphorbiaceae |
White |
Asclepias tuberosa |
Milkweed |
Asclepiadaceae |
Orange, Red |
Cephalanthus occidentalis |
Madder |
Rubiaceae |
White |
Diodia teres |
Madder |
Rubiaceae |
Pink |
Diodia virginiana |
Madder |
Rubiaceae |
White |
Opuntia macrorhiza |
Cactus |
Cactaceae |
Yellow |
Polanisia dodecandra |
Caper |
Capparaceae |
White |
Trifolium incarnatum |
Pea |
Fabaceae |
Red |
Dalea purpurea |
Pea |
Fabaceae |
Purple, Rose |
Dalea candida |
Pea |
Fabaceae |
White |
Caffeineinsis Zabawaii |
Coffeecupa |
Javaceae |
Blue |
Echinacea pallida |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
Purple, Pink |
Ratibida columnifera |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
Yellow |
Croton glandulosus |
Spurge |
Euphorbiaceae |
White |
Ranunculus sceleratus |
Buttercup |
Ranunculaceae |
Yellow |
Eclipta prostrata |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
White |
Taraxacum officinale |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
Yellow |
Commelina communis |
Dayflower |
Commelinaceae |
Blue |
Commelina erecta |
Dayflower |
Commelinaceae |
Blue |
Rubus flagellaris |
Rose |
Rosaceae |
White |
Nothoscordum bivalve |
Lily Family |
Liliaceae |
White, Cream |
Linum Lewisii |
Flax |
Linaceae |
Blue |
Linum rigidum |
Flax |
Linaceae |
Yellow |
Aureolaria grandiflora |
Figwort |
Scrophulariaceae |
Yellow |
Phyla incisa |
Vervain |
Verbenaceae |
White |
Stenosiphon linifolius |
Primrose |
Onagraceae |
White |
Geranium dissectum |
Geranium |
Geraniaceae |
Pink, Purple |
Verbesina encelioides |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
Yellow |
Coreopsis tinctoria |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
Yellow |
Dianthus armeria |
Carnation |
Caryophyllaceae |
Pink |
Prunella vulgaris |
Mint |
Lamiaceae |
Blue, Purple |
Lamium amplexicaule |
Mint |
Lamiaceae |
Purple, Pink |
Gaillardia pulchella |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
Red |
Castilleja coccinea |
Figwort |
Scrophulariaceae |
Red |
Baptisia australis |
Pea |
Fabaceae |
Blue |
Delphinium carolinianum |
Buttercup |
Ranunculaceae |
White, Blue |
Eryngium leavenworthii |
Parsley |
Apiaceae |
Purple, Violet |
Callirhoe involucrata |
Mallow |
Malvaceae |
Red |
Asclepias viridiflora |
Milkweed |
Asclepiadaceae |
Green |
Polygala incarnata |
Milkwort |
Polygalaceae |
Purple, Pink |
Monarda citriodora |
Mint |
Lamiaceae |
Purple, Pink |
Mimulus alatus |
Figwort |
Scrophulariaceae |
Blue, Lavender |
Centaurium beyrichii |
Gentian |
Gentianaceae |
Pink |
Verbascum thapsus |
Figwort |
Scrophulariaceae |
Yellow |
Solanum americanum |
Nightshade |
Solanaceae |
White |
Viola bicolor |
Violet |
Violaceae |
Blue, Violet |
Clitoria mariana |
Pea |
Fabaceae |
Purple, Pink, Lavendar |
Indigofera miniate |
Pea |
Fabaceae |
Red, Scarlet |
Acacia angustissima |
Pea |
Fabaceae |
White |
Desmanthus illinoensis |
Pea |
Fabaceae |
White |
Oenothera macrocarpa |
Primrose |
Onagraceae |
Yellow |
Oenothera speciosa |
Primrose |
Onagraceae |
Pink |
Lithospermum incisum |
Borage |
Boraginaceae |
Yellow |
Arenaria serpyllifolia |
Carnation |
Caryophyllaceae |
White |
Mimosa nuttallii |
Pea |
Fabaceae |
Pink |
Capsella bursa-pastoris |
Mustard |
Brassicaceae |
White |
Froelichia floridana |
Amaranth |
Amaranthaceae |
White, Red |
Euphorbia marginata |
Spurge |
Euphorbiaceae |
White |
Yucca glauca |
Agave |
Agavaceae |
White, Cream |
Bidens bipinnata |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
Yellow |
Veronica polita |
Figwort |
Scrophulariaceae |
Blue |
Tradescantia ohiensis |
Spiderwort |
Commelinaceae |
Blue, Lavender, Purple |
Claytonia virginica |
Purslane |
Portulacaceae |
White |
Ipomopsis rubra |
Phlox |
Polemoniaceae |
Red |
Erodium cicutarium |
Geranium |
Geraniaceae |
Pink, Rose |
Helianthus annuus |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
Yellow |
Helianthus maximilianii |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
Yellow |
Centaurea americana |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
Purple, Lavender |
Cirsium altissimo |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
Blue |
Cirsium undulatum |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
Pink, Purple, Rose |
Vicia dasycarpa |
Pea |
Fabaceae |
Purple, White |
Justicia Americana |
Acanthus |
Acanthaceae |
White, Purple |
Grindelia papposa |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
Yellow |
Geum canadense |
Rose |
Rosaceae |
White |
Ageratina altissima |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
White |
Oxalis dillenii |
Wood Sorrel |
Oxalidaceae |
Yellow |
Tragopogon dubius |
Aster |
Asteraceae |
Yellow |
About this blog
Oklahoma Wildflowers serves as an introduction to The Wonderful World of Oklahoma Wildflowers with a linked list, to WWOKWF, of wildflowers which has general plant information useful for identification and educational purposes.
Since space is limited here I will add photos and information (Flower of the Month) here, but for more detailed information on wildflowers and more images go to the linked address.
Using the Site
If the common name is known then click on the Common Name. This will take you to the plant information page for that plant. If attempting to identify a plant or flower a Browse by Category is provided. On this page choose browse by Color to view bitmaps of all that color flowers on the site. If the plant family is known click on the Family to view bitmaps of all plants in that family. Selecting the bitmap will take you to the plant information page. This contains the description and additional images. Click on the bitmaps to view the large image. These are large hi-res images so be patient. Using dial up connection is probably not a good idea.
If searching for some non specific information a powerful Query/Search is provided. This searches the site and returns the information to a results page. For example entering “weedy” will return all references to weedy on the site.
For more detailed technical description about the plants, links are provided, on this Blog site and in the descriptions section of WWOOWF to sites which supply more detailed technical information. Although all plants on the sites are found in Oklahoma many of these same plants are found throughout the United States. Plants know no state boundaries.
For general family information click on A Plant Family History at the head of the list. This will provide general information about the uses of plants for some important plant families.
I hope you enjoy the site and find it useful. As time permits the web developer, I hope to add more features to the site. Flowers will be added as time permits. As of this date there are 58 species, with more being added every week.
All images and text on The Wonderful World of Oklahoma Wildflowers site and this Blog are copyrighted.
Oklahoma Wildflowers serves as an introduction to The Wonderful World of Oklahoma Wildflowers with a linked list, to WWOKWF, of wildflowers which has general plant information useful for identification and educational purposes.