Homo sneakeaus

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About this blog

       Oklahoma Wildflowers serves as an introduction to The Wonderful World of Oklahoma Wildflowers with a linked list to the site which which has general plant information and images useful for identification and educational purposes.
        Since space is limited here I will add photos and information about plants blooming during the current month. For more detailed information and images go to the linked address. Unless noted, all photos were taken in Oklahoma
        For detailed information on using the Wonderful World of Oklahoma Wildflowers scroll to the end of this page or click on a flower common name on the list.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Yellow Goatsbeard

Goatsbeard (Tragopogon dubius)

        Found throughout most of the United States the yellow goatsbeard grow on stems to three feet high producing large, one and a half inch to two inch yellow, dandelion like flowers
        Also known as Western Salsify this native of Europe, now found widespread across the United States, produces large globe shape groups of seed, similar to the Common Dandelion. In the same family, Asteraceae, as the Dandelion, their parachute like seeds are dispersed by the wind. The yellow flowers, opening only in the morning, are easily missed.
        As with the Dandelion the young leaves of the Yellow Goatsbeard can be used in salads or eaten cooked.
        Another species, Tragopogon porrifolius, similar to the Goatsbeard, but with a purple flower, is called the Oyster Plant because of the “Oyster” taste of the cooked roots.
        The common name Goatsbeard and genus name, Tragopogon, come from the Greek name Tragos meaning goat and pogon meaning beard, thus named for the beardlike appearance of the fruit or seeds.

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