Homo sneakeaus

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About this blog

       Oklahoma Wildflowers serves as an introduction to The Wonderful World of Oklahoma Wildflowers with a linked list to the site which which has general plant information and images useful for identification and educational purposes.
        Since space is limited here I will add photos and information about plants blooming during the current month. For more detailed information and images go to the linked address. Unless noted, all photos were taken in Oklahoma
        For detailed information on using the Wonderful World of Oklahoma Wildflowers scroll to the end of this page or click on a flower common name on the list.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum)

        From late spring to early summer this plant, also know as Mandrake or Hog Apple, produces large, two inch wide, white to purple flowers on plants one to two feet tall.
        Preferring shady, moist areas, the Mayapple, a native plant, grows in colonies, and is found in the eastern and central United States.
        The reproductive parts of the plants are not easily visible since the flowers face the ground.
        The leaves and roots of this plant are poisonous! The fully ripened fruit is eatable and may be eaten raw or stored dry. Pies and jellies may be made from the fruit
       Parts of the plants has been used as an ingredient in medicines for treating cancer and an extract from the leaves as an insecticide.

Warning: It is not recommended that these plants be used as medicine or food since many similar species may cause illness or death.

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